
Internet Of Things | Artificial Intelligence | Smart Home



We juggle busy lives, and feeling like we don’t have enough time for what we want to do is a common struggle. Clarity is a software product designed to help you reclaim control of your day and streamline your routine through intelligent organization and seamless integration.

Looking ahead to 2030, Clarity explores the potential of AI to provide support akin to a human assistant, offering intelligent guidance and smooth context switching. This forward-thinking app concept was developed as part of my UX Design Graduate program, showcasing the intersection of user-centered design and emerging technologies.

Clarity is tailored for remote and hybrid workers, offering a unified platform to:

  • - Organize tasks efficiently

  • - Manage schedules dynamically

  • - Control smart home devices effortlessly

By centralizing these essential functions, Clarity aims to alleviate the common feeling of time scarcity, allowing users to focus on what truly matters in both their professional and personal lives.

Demo Video

My research process involved a combination of secondary research, market analysis, and user interviews. The following were the key findings:

User Persona
Core Needs
  1. Efficient Online Meeting Support: Drew requires solutions for meeting notes, and summaries, and enhanced video conferences that help effective communication.

  2. Home Organization: Drew needs solutions that efficiently organize their work tasks, house tasks, calendars, and multiple app notifications, to improve focus and productivity for work.

  3. Increased Mobility Opportunities: Drew resorts to working from the couch or bed after a few hours at the work desk, and needs solutions to ensure more mobility during the work day.

  4. Create Time For Hobbies & Relationships: Drew needs assistance in streamlining his workflow, freeing up personal time to invest in hobbies and relationships.

Pain Points
  1. Online Meeting Disruptions: Frequent interruptions hinder communication, collaboration, and focus, ultimately extending meetings and reducing productivity.

  2. Decreased Focus: Juggling multiple information channels throughout the day reduces Drew's ability to focus and be productive.

  3. Disconnect with Friends & Family: A busy schedule makes it difficult to maintain strong connections with friends and family.

  4. Sense of Being Constantly Present at Work: Lack of divide between work and life.

  5. Technostress: Extended screen time and information overload contribute to mental fatigue and increased stress.

● Works from the couch or bed most of the workday.
● Buys new gadgets and devices for new problems.
● Has an irregular routine with no fixed meal times or breaks.
● Craves to throw away their computer as soon as the weekend begins.


Remote workers struggle with technostress and information overload from constant technology use, reduced physical mobility due to a sedentary work environment, and blurred work-life boundaries leading to difficulty disconnecting after work hours. They need a solution that consolidates daily tasks (integrates everything into a single platform for effortless management), supports all life aspects (provides tools for work, personal life, and self-care, boosting overall productivity), and frees up valuable time (streamlines routines and minimizes context switching, allowing users to reclaim their time).

Feedback from 4 participants
Version 2

The user sets weekly goals in areas of work, responsibilities, and personal time on their app. The smart assistant creates a detailed schedule. The user can also automate house chores (eg. laundry, dishes, vacuuming, etc.) through the app.

App smart assistant syncs with different apps and gadgets to provide a consolidated summary. The assistant understands the priority through a nuanced understanding of the user’s context.

The user can work without distractions through a focus mode where work station and smart assistant work together to create an immersive environment. All notifications are paused allowing only urgent requirements to get through.

If there are any unexpected situations in the house, the smart assistant pauses work and supports the user in managing the situation much like a human assistant.

Wireframes to High Fidelity Prototypes

Overview and adding new category

Details about a specific category

Calendar and priority tasks

AI Assistant

Adding new integrations